关于「 bone」的内容列表

加密倡导组织 Digital Chamber 总裁 Cody Carbone 将接任 CEO

加密货币倡导组织 Digital Chamber 的创始人 Perianne Boring 在担任首席执行官十多年后即将卸任,该组织正在提拔其总裁 Cody Carbone 接任最高职位,而 Boring 将转任董事会主席。 数字资产领域有众多游说团体,他们在美国国会、白宫和监管机构中游说,Digital Chamber 是其中最知名的团体之一,会员数量最多,但近年来其资金一直落后于 Blockchain Association。

2025-03-19 09:20:44
The Chamber of Digital Commerce has urged U.S. lawmakers to immediately pass stablecoin legislation

Cody Carbone, president of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, said he expects stablecoin legislation to be on President-elect Donald Trump's desk in 2025. The group detailed the use of stablecoins in a report released Tuesday morning titled "How Stablecoins Extend the Dominance of the Dollar" and pushed for the passage of a stablecoin bill as soon as possible to keep up with their growing use. Stablecoins are increasingly being used for cross-border savings and payments, the report said. The Digit...

2024-11-12 13:03:35

数字商会主席Cody Carbone表示,他预计稳定币立法将于 2025 年摆上当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的办公桌。 该组织在周二上午发布的一份题为《稳定币如何扩大美元主导地位》的报告中详细介绍了稳定币的使用情况,并推动尽快通过一项稳定币法案,以跟上其日益增长的使用。报告称,稳定币越来越多地用于跨境储蓄和支付。 数字商会还计划本周与美联储、货...

2024-11-12 13:03:35
1. OpenAI CFO: The company discussed the possibility of a potential deal with Oracle. 2. Meta is developing artificial intelligence search citation...

1. OpenAI CFO: The company discussed the possibility of reaching a potential deal with Oracle. 2. Meta is developing an artificial intelligence search engine to reduce its dependence on Google and Microsoft. 3. Hong Kong launches AI policy guidelines for the financial industry and plans to extend tax incentives for virtual assets. 4. Chengdu Innovation Center releases "Gongga-1" humanoid robot to achieve a breakthrough of zero for Chengdu-made robots. 5. South Korea established a national artifi...

2024-10-29 04:02:40
The three major U.S. stock indexes rose slightly, and Oracle rose more than 7%.

September 13 news, the U.S. stock market opened, the Dow rose 0.11%, the S & P 500 index rose 0.11%, the Nasdaq rose 0.05%. Uber (UBER. N) rose 6.3%, expanding its partnership with Google's driverless car unit Waymo. Oracle (ORCL. N) rose 7.4%, the company raised its revenue guidance for the next fiscal year. Adobe (ADBE. O) fell 9%, the performance guidance was not expected, the market worried about AI revenue.

2024-09-13 13:30:28
Shiba team launches Meme Coin BONE card payment function on Shibarium

The Shiba team launched Meme Coin BONE's card payment function on Shibarium. LUCIE, head of marketing at ShibaInu, said that investors who wish to invest in the utility token BONE of the Shibarium Layer2 network can now purchase the token directly with their card.

2024-08-16 00:31:09

Shiba团队在Shibarium上推出Meme币BONE的刷卡支付功能。ShibaInu营销主管LUCIE揭表示,希望投资Shibarium Layer2网络的实用代币BONE的投资者现在可以直接使用他们的卡购买该代币。

2024-08-16 00:31:09
CoreWeave hires two executives from Google and Oracle to advance its AI business

Nvidia-backed cloud computing company CoreWeave has hired two executives from Google and Oracle to build its own artificial intelligence infrastructure. Among them, Chen Goldberg previously served as general manager and vice president of engineering at Alphabet's Google, and will serve as senior vice president at CoreWeave in the future. Sachin Jain previously served as senior vice president of artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure and product management at Oracle, and will serve as chief ...

2024-08-08 16:25:22
Meme project BONEBONE releases 2024 roadmap

On June 8th, BONEBONE, the first meme coin of the Bitcoin 2-layer Bitlayer, has just released a new roadmap for 2024 to explore the new future of dog food super-large IP in the MEME world. BONEBONE said in the new roadmap that it will expand community building and cooperate with large-market dog MEME. In the future, it will develop dog meta-universe development games, meta-universe dog walking games, etc. At the same time, it will cooperate with offline dog competition organizations to promote v...

2024-06-08 00:31:50

6月8日消息,比特币2层Bitlayer第一个meme币BONEBONE,刚刚发布2024年新路线图,探索狗粮超级大IP在MEME世界的新未来。 BONEBONE在新路线图中表示,将要扩大社区建设和大市值狗类MEME展开合作,后续会开发狗类元宇宙养成游戏,元宇宙遛狗游戏等,同时和线下狗类比赛组织开展合作,向全球推广虚拟狗粮品牌。

2024-06-08 00:31:50
The first staking airdrop activity of BoneBone token holders has successfully ended

On May 18th, BoneBone users pledged to get new coins CBD activity successfully ended within 14 hours of launch. Users pledged a total of 10 million BoneBones, and will jointly distribute 636363636 CBD tokens. As the first meme coin in the BitLayer ecosystem, BoneBone has been officially recognized and supported. According to the information previously disclosed by the BoneBone official, BoneBone holders will receive airdrop rewards from multiple projects in the BitLayer ecosystem.

2024-05-18 09:56:05

5月18日消息,BoneBone用户质押获得新币CBD活动在启动14小时内成功结束,用户共质押了1000万个BoneBone,将共同分配636363636枚CBD代币。作为BitLayer生态系统中的首个meme币,BoneBone得到了官方的认可与支持。 根据BoneBone官方早前披露的信息,BoneBone持有者将获得BitLayer生态多个项目的空投奖励。

2024-05-18 09:56:05
Bonebone is now quoted at $0.037, up 1755.3% in 24 hours.

On May 16th, the first Meme project bonebone (token name: bonebone) issued on Bitlayer was launched on the gate yesterday, and is now quoted at $0.037, an increase of 1755.3% in 24 hours, an increase of 32.66 times from the opening of DEX. Bonebone officials have destroyed 10.16 million tokens today, worth about 270,000 US dollars. A total of 2.60 million US dollars worth of tokens have been destroyed in half a month. The token repurchase is now open, and the first repurchase amount is 3.65 BTC....

2024-05-16 09:24:23

5月16日消息,发行在Bitlayer的首个Meme 项目bonebone(代币名:bonebone)已于昨日上线gate,现报价0.037美元,24小时涨幅1755.3%,较DEX开盘涨幅达32.66倍。 bonebone官方于今日已销毁1016万枚代币,价值约27万美元。上线半个月累积销毁了价值260万美元的代币。现已开启代币回购,第一期回购金额为3.65 BTC。所回购代币也将进行销毁。 bonebone是比特币原生稳定币项目bitSmiley公测活动The Trume...

2024-05-16 09:24:23
Meme project bonebone online gate, up 2000%

On May 15, it was reported that the first Meme project bone launched on Bitlayer, gate (token name: bonebone), is now priced at $0.02, an increase of 2,000% from the issue price, breaking through the previous high. Bone was the winning project in The Trumeme Show, a bitcoin native stablecoin project bitSmiley. It was launched on May 1 and deployed on the Bitlayer mainnet and destroyed on May 3.

2024-05-15 09:28:56

7x24 快讯

22:07 2025-03-31
贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink在周一发表的年度信函中指出,资产代币化是继ETF之后最具颠覆性的金融创新,将重塑全球金融民主化进程。他系统阐释了代币化对资本市场的变革性影响: 首先是颠覆百年...
21:45 2025-03-31
加密记者 Eleanor Terrett 发文称,“美国众议院数字资产小组委员会主席 Bryan Steil 告诉我,在周三的审议后,《STABLE 法案》将很好地与参议院的《GENIUS 法案》保持一致,这是在众议院和参议院进行几轮草案修订并得到 SEC 和 CFTC 的技术协助后实现的。 Bryan Steil 认为,该法案与《GENIUS 法案》存在...
21:33 2025-03-31
21:33 2025-03-31
21:33 2025-03-31
美国关键摇摆州威斯康星州将于周二投票选举一名新的州最高法院法官,民主党支持的法官Susan Crawford将与特朗普支持的Brad Schimel对决。这场选举对特朗普和马斯克具有高度利害关系。Schimel获胜将使法院...
21:33 2025-03-31
21:27 2025-03-31
21:15 2025-03-31
据 Onchain Lens 监测,15 小时前,某以太坊 ICO 参与地址将 5,000 枚 ETH 转移至 Cumberland,价值 922 万美元。 在过去 22 天内,该钱包在沉寂 6 年后共转移了 6,890 枚 ETH(1,255 万美元),目前仍持有 34,000 枚 ETH(6,245 万美元)。 该地址在 ICO 期间以均价 0.311 美元花费 3,110 美元买入 ETH,并曾从以太坊基金会收到 84,513 枚 ETH。
21:00 2025-03-31
20:57 2025-03-31
加密货币分析师 Ali 指出,以太坊需连续突破两个关键阻力位以确认趋势反转,首要目标收复 2100 美元的心理关口,决定性突破 2300 美元则将确立看涨结构。
20:54 2025-03-31
20:48 2025-03-31
DeFi 教育基金前 CEO Miller Whitehouse-Levine 周一宣布成立非营利性组织 Solana 政策研究所,该机构旨在教育华盛顿的立法者和监管机构,使其对加密货币的理解“超越比特币”。 该研究所的目标是与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)新成立的加密货币特别工作组以及商品期货交易委员会的未来领导层合作,并影响稳定币和市场结构等相关法案的制定。 Wh...